Privacy Policy


KAL Capital Markets, LLC (KAL Capital) is committed to ensuring the confidentiality of each client’s non-public personal information. As you are aware, the financial services business involves access to the most intimate financial and business details. In order to maintain a relationship that is based upon trust and confidentiality, you will be provided with a Client Privacy Notice annually. The types of non-public personal information that clients provide to us in order for us to provide services may include, but is not limited to: name, address, social security number, total assets, net worth, income, and bank account information.

This policy addresses what KAL Capital does with this information both with respect to affiliates and non-related third parties.

Privacy Policy

Except as required by law, KAL Capital does not disclose any non-public personal information about our clients or former clients to any person or entity not directly affiliated with our firm. However, we may disclose non-public information that we collect about you to our affiliates, employees and directors who need to know such information and to certain service providers (including accountants, auditors and attorneys) in connection with the administration and execution of the services we will provide. Also, we may disclose non-public information about you to potential investors as part of our services and in accordance with our Advisory Agreement.

From time to time, we may share some public information such as names and addresses to non-affiliated entities to enable them to provide business services on our behalf. Examples of these services are assisting us in mailing sales literature, processing a transaction, and performing general administrative activities for us. These types of services sometimes are necessary in order for us to conduct business.

However, rest assured that any service provider that we do business with is contractually obligated to ensure that none of your information will be disclosed, except as required by law.

In order to assure that all non-public information is treated in a confidential manner, our employees are required to protect the confidentiality of our clients’ information. If they do not comply with our policies, employees are subject to disciplinary rules. Also we maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect all non-public information.

Opt-Out Policy

As we may need to share non-public information with our affiliate to facilitate an engagement or investment, by conducting business with us, you are choosing to opt-in to this arrangement. The same applies to business facilitator partners. Otherwise, we will never share your non-public personal information. If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us immediately at 949-404-4201.


Last Updated: January 18, 2024